Invited speakers

Keynote speakers:

Michihiro Kandori, University of Tokyo (President's talk)

Gabrielle Demange, Paris School of Economics (President-elect's talk)

Ariel Rubinstein, Tel Aviv University and New York University (Morgenstern Lecture)

Françoise Forges, Paris Dauphine-PSL University (von Neumann Lecture)

Nisarg Shah, University of Toronto (Kalai Prize Lecture, on behalf of the co-winners Ioannis Caragiannis, David Kurokawa, Herve Moulin, Ariel Procaccia, and Junxing Wang).



Ingela Alger, Toulouse School of Economics

Itai Arieli, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology

Itai Ashlagi, Stanford University

Andreas Blume, University of Arizona

Yan Chen, University of Michigan

Anton Kolotilin, University of New South Wales

Yeneng Sun, National University of SIngapore

Takuo Sugaya, Stanford University,

Ning Yu, Nanjing Audit University